Basket Weave Calculations

Example of Square, Regular Basket Weave

Calculations needed for making basket weave patterns using the Recip function are based on the data in the table below. This gives you the data for making patterns which are square and rotated at 45°.

A prototype example of the pattern produced is shown to the right. That example has these values:

Input fields on this screen are  colored yellow . Once you have entered your desired values, scroll down and click the button below,

 Calculate Values 

Data Input
Diameter Diameter of the piece
Desired Number of Waves

Number of waves (“boxes”) desired around the perimeter of the piece.

Cuts per Wave Cuts per Wave. 3 or 4 is typical.
Cutter Edge Angle Angle on the cutter. 60°, 90° or 120° is typical.
Index Page Data

Move Page Data

Recip Page Data
Form Radial  

Spindle Degrees 360  
Axis Amplitude

Cutter Depth of Cut
Depth of Cut



Process Steps Comments
  1. Set the values on the screens.
    1. Set the values on the Index screen.
    2. Set the values on the Move screen.
    3. Set the values on the Recip screen.

Use the values as shown above

  1. Run the 1st set of “boxes”.
    1. On the Recip screen, run one complete revolution.
    2. Retract the cutter (or push the headstock back away from it).
    3. On the Index screen, index the spindle clockwise.
    4. On the Move screen, move left.
    5. Re-engage the cutter.
    6. Repeat steps 2.a thru 2.e once for every cut per wave.

Repeat this series of steps for each cut in the wave (i.e., if 3 cuts per wave, then do these steps 3 times).

It does not matter which direction you use on the Recip screen, but use the same direction for each iteration.

If starting from the outboard end, move left; otherwise, move right.

  1. Run the 2nd set of “boxes”.
    1. On the Recip screen, run one complete revolution.
    2. Retract the cutter.
    3. On the Index screen, index the spindle counter clockwise.
    4. On the Move screen, move left.
    5. Re-engage the cutter.
    6. Repeat steps 3.a thru 3.e once for every cut per wave.

Repeat this series of steps as on step 2.

Use the same direction on the Recip screen as on 2.a, above.

Use the same direction on the Move screen as on 2.d, above.

  1. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for as many waves (“boxes”) as desired.

Usage Notes

  1. This is designed for square patterns rotated 45°.

  2. It is also designed for using a drilling spindle.

Equations Used for Calculations

\begin{align*} \tag{1} Axis \, Amplitude &= \frac {Diameter \cdot \pi} {2 \cdot Waves} \\ \end{align*} \begin{align*} \tag{2} Z \, Axis \, Distance &= \frac {Axis \, Amplitude} {Cuts \, per \, Wave} \\ \end{align*} \begin{align*} \tag{3} Divisions &= Waves \cdot Cuts \, per \, Wave \cdot 2 \\ \end{align*} \begin{align*} \tag{4} Depth \, of \, Cut &= \frac {Distance} {\tan \left( \frac {Cutter \, Angle}{ 2} \right)} \\ \end{align*}

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