System Installation & Upgrade Procedure

The video to the right which shows these steps may be useful for you, but it is not required to perform the upgrade. The video was made to assist those who might find it a good learning tool for watching someone else perform the steps.

Prior Version Needed?
Click here to download the files.

Current Versions

Teensy 3.2 3.0.5
Teensy 3.5
Teensy 3.6

Instructions are in blue. Commentary to help clarify the instructions is in black.

More Questions?

Additional clarifying comments are available at this link.

Step 1 - Get a copy of the Teensy program file

Teensy Model PCB ELFOS Version
3.0.5 3.1.1
3.2 4 Axis 5Rose_v305_t32.hex N/A
5 Axis
3.5 4 Axis 5Rose_v305_t35.hex 5Rose_v311_t35.hex
5 Axis
3.6 4 Axis 5Rose_v305_t36.hex 5Rose_v311_t36.hex
5 Axis
4.1 4 Axis N/A N/A
5 Axis

Download 5Rose_v305_txx.hex to your computer.

To save the file, click on the file's name on the right side of the screen (e.g., "5Rose_v305_t35.hex").


Step 2 - Get a copy of the Nextion configuration file

Nextion Display Model PCB ELFOS Version
3.0.5 3.1.1
4.3" Enhanced 4 Axis RE305_43e.tft N/A
5 Axis
4.3" Enhanced
Pre-set VendorId & MotorCount
4 Axis RE305_43e_32.tft N/A
5 Axis
5" Intelligent 4 Axis N/A N/A
5 Axis RE305_5i.tft RE311_5i.tft
7" Intelligent 4 Axis N/A N/A
5 Axis RE305_7i.tft RE311_7i.tft
7" Intelligent
Pre-set VendorId & MotorCount
4 Axis N/A N/A
5 Axis RE305_7i_32.tft N/A

Get a copy of the Nextion configuration file.


Step 3 - Get a copy of the RE30.ini settings file

ELFOS Version
3.0.5 3.1.1
RE30.ini RE311.ini

Download RE30.ini, and put it in the root of a microSD card.This can be the same microSD card as in step #2. Details about the RE30.ini are available by clicking the web link at the start of this sentence.

The RE30.ini file is updated with each version. Get a copy of the new one if upgrading to a new version.


Step 4 - Upgrade the Teensy

Step 4a - Connect the computer to the Teensy

Connect the computer to the Teensy.
  • The cable end connected to the Teensy uses a MicroUSB connector.
  • The Teensy's jack is noted in the picture to the right.
  • There is no need to remove the Teensy from the PCB to perform this step.

Be sure you have a good MicroUSB cable. Some are only used for charging a device (and they are usually longer). These will often not work.


Step 4b - Start the Teensy Loader

On the Computer, start the Teensy Loader.

Teensy Loader on macOS


Teensy Loader on Linux and Windows


If you do not have the Teensy Loader installed on your computer, you can get it from https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader.html.


Step 4c - Be sure the system shows that the Teensy is connected

This is evident when

  • the Auto button is illuminated green, and
  • the picture of the Teensy is no longer grayed out.

As noted in step 4a above, if your USB cable is bad, the Teensy will not connect.


The default CPU selected will not handle the whole 5Rose_x.hex file, so if you try to open it, you will get the message on the bottom of the screen (where this picture shows "No file specified"):

5Rose_x.hex (too large!)

Step 4d - Get the Teensy loader to recognize which Teensy you are using

Press the white button on the Teensy to get the Teensy loader to recognize which CPU you are using.


Step 4e - Open the 5Rose_x.hex file

Back on the Computer, using the file button Teensy Loader (circled in red in the picture to the right), open 5Rose_x.hex.

Once this is loaded, the bottom message will change to reflect the file size.


Step 4f - Download the 5Rose_x.hex file

Select the download button (circled in red in the picture to the right) on the Teensy loader program to load the program file onto the Teensy.

Step 4g - Reboot the Teensy Microcontroller

Select the reboot button (circled in red in the picture to the right) on the Teensy loader program to restart the Teensy.

Verify that it was successfully rebooted. If not, repeat the steps above (and if that does not work, your Teensy may be damaged and needing to be replaced).

Disconnect the computer from the Teensy.


Step 5 - Upgrade the Nextion Display

Step 4a - Connect the computer to the Teensy

Secure the microSD card which has the Nextion configuration file (from step 2). Put this microSD card into the Nextion's microSD card slot.

Reboot the controls system again.

If this works as expected, the Nextion display will read (upside down, by the way)

Check Data . . . 100%

Updated Successed!

(guess that is a bad translation from Chinese).

After that message appears, remove the microSD card from the Nextion, and reboot the controls system again.

Error for too many .tft files?When you delete the old .ini file from many computers, it gets renamed in a way that you can not see it. For example, on some systems

RE30.tft   becomes   ~E30.tft

It is not actually removed from the microSD card. The remediation is:
  1. Use a computer which lets you see hidden files, and delete the hidden one, or
  2. Re-format the microSD card. A good solution I use is SD Memory Card Formatter from SD Association. I will say I've had mixed luck with this approach though.

Step 6 - Load the .ini file

Step 6a - Put the microSD card into the Teensy Microcontroller

Secure the microSD card which has the RE30.ini settings file (from step 3). Put this microSD card into the Teensy's microSD card slot..

Using a Teensy 3.2?. If you are using a Teensy 3.2, the microSD card will have to be inserted into a microSD card adapter.


Step 6b - Load the INI file's settings

Start the system and click the ... button (top right), and then the Load ini button (left).

Starting with version 24, there are text fields shown at the bottom of the screen (in the center). These are just to show that the command is working. These boxes only appear when Load Ini has been touched.

Once the INI file load has completed, a message will appear saying

Done - Restart may be needed.

Restart the system one last time.


Details about the RE30.ini are available by clicking the web link at the start of this sentence.


Step 7 - Verify the Settings

It is a good practice to verify all of the settings once you've completed the steps.

  1. Touch the Config button on each page and verify the Teensy column is populated with the same numbers as the Nextion column. Repeat for each axis on each page.

  2. Next verify the Preferences are correct for the Spindle, Axes, Limits, and Returns.

  3. Select the Main page, then the '...' (Preferences) page.
    Select the More page.
    Touch EEPROM.

    Repeat for each page and axis on the page. This will show all of the settings for the selected page.

If some settings are not loaded, that screen will not run or at least will not run properly. Check your 4Axes.INI file against the latest one. As noted in step 6b above, some key field designators have changed in later versions.

Questions or comments? Contact us at